had a meeting today with the Pillar Youth, the Apostle Hect and Evangelist Gomez. We talked about the different ways that the Pillar Youth could be involved with the Youth and within their congregations. It was more or less things I had already heard before, but it was nice to see and spend time with some of the other people that I don't get to see often. I can not wait for tomorrow, I'll get to see Space Kitten. I hope she'll talk to me, I have a surprise for her. Let Me In -the US Remake of Let The Right One In- and a can of Chocolate covered Espresso Beans. The can even looks like a little battery, it's so cute. I miss her a lot and I want to tell her about all the things that I figured out, that I mentinoed in a previous entry, but right now is not a good time. She wishes to be apart from me, and it's honestly what I deserve. She's the only person who ever read this blog to begin with. That's part of the reason I startede it up again- in the hopes that she may look at it and see how I am. That for that moment, she'll wonder 'what's he up to? is he doing okay?' I am doing a lot better than I was before and it is only because she had finally had enough of what I was putting her through. Because I knew that I really only had this noe chance, I had to look at myself real hard and find something to take to her. To show her that I was serious about getting better and that one day, I would be. I can't though. I can't just go to her now; I have to wait. I have to know that I really am better and it's not just something I am forcing to happen so that I may be her friend again. I can't do that to myself or to her. That's why as much as it pains me sometimes, I've been keeping the promise I made to her.
Currently listening to: Kaki King play in my head.